HOTI, Buen

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2024), Albania Dissertation: The Ionian Sea Delimitation Dispute between Albania and Greece: Legal Considerations for Albania for the Forthcoming International Court of Justice Ruling Drafting Project: A Law to Implement the Maritime Labour Convention in the Laws of Albania


MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2012), Lawyer, Durres Port Authority, RR. A. 606a, P925, L9, Durres, Albania Email: Dissertation: A Legal Analysis of the International Conventions on Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage from Ships: An Albanian Perspective Drafting Project: A Law on the Accession of the Republic […]


MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2008), Senior Lecturer / Head of Administration, IMO International Maritime Law Institute, University of Malta Campus, Triq Roberto Ranieri Costaguti, Msida MSD 2080, Malta Tel: (356) 2131 0816 Ext. 106; Fax: (356) 2134 3092 Email: Dissertation: Port State Control: Albanian Perspective Drafting Project: Incorporation […]