Serving the Rule of International Law: Essays in Honour of Professor David Joseph Attard
Serving the Rule of International Law is a collection of essays to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of Professor David Attard’s academic career. Professor Attard, one of Malta’s most eminent international lawyers, has played a crucial role in the development of international law, particularly in the areas of international maritime law and climate change. This Liber […]
Serving the Rule of International Maritime Law: Essays in Honour of Professor David Joseph Attard
International maritime law is far from inert, everyday international affairs constantly test existing law and, in many occasions, require its development. Serving the Rule of International Maritime Law is thus not limited to a description of the current state of the law, but contains innovative studies on current issues and events that are testing the […]
Migrant Smuggling By Sea
A number of rules of the international law governing the oceans were created at a time far removed from the challenges of the present day. The principle of the freedom of the high seas and its corollary of flag State exclusivity are archetypical examples of this. Today these rules may appear to be obstacles in […]