WILLIAMS, Allen Sydney
ADVANCED DIPLOMA PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2014), Chief Instructor, The Western Maritime Institute, 3519 Hallberg Road, Ladysmith, BC, V9G 1K1, Canada Tel: (250) 2454 455 or (778) 3796 613; Fax: (250) 2458 881; Mob: (778) 9273 305 Email: Allen.Williams@Maritimeed.com or info@maritimeed.com or allenwilliamsx2012@gmail.com
PALKO, Julia Emilia
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2018), Junior Technical Officer in Maritime Transport at the International Labour Organization (ILO) in the Sectoral Policies Department (SECTOR / MARITRANS), Geneva, Switzerland Mob: (41) 7995 3830 4 or (356) 7713 6877 or (41) 7823 7384 6 Email: jluiapalko@gmail.com Dissertation: Governance and Maritime Delimitation in the […]