KINE, Ngu Kay
MASTER OF HUMANITIES (M.HUM) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LEGISLATION (Class of 2023), Assistant Director, Department of Marine Administration of Myanmar, Myanmar Mob: (95) 9774 8847 27 Email: Research Project: An Appraisal of Preparation and Response to Oil Pollution Incidents in Myanmar and Co-operation Mechanisms Drafting Project: A Law to Incorporate the International Convention on Anti- Fouling […]
MASTER OF HUMANITIES (M.HUM) PROGRAMME. IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LEGISLATION (Class of 2021), Deputy Staff Officer, Department of Maine Administration, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Yomona 2 Ward, 4 street, Staff Housing, Dawbon Dockyard, Dawbon Township, Yangon, Myanmar Mob: (95) 9263 2111 79 or (95) 9977 2364 38 Email: Research Project: An Assessment of the […]
AUNG, Si Thu
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2021), Counselor, Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Italy, Via Caldonazzo 1, 00135 Rome, Italy Tel: (95) 9511 2697; Mob: (39) 3802 6076 50 Email: Dissertation: Overlapping Rights in a Grey Area: The Bay of Bengal Experience Drafting Project: A […]
WINT, Yee San
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2020), Legal Staff, No. 363/421, Corner of Merchant and Theinbyu Road, Botataung Township, Yangon, Myanmar Mob: (95) 9420 7370 10; Fax: (95) 1901 0036 Email: Skype: Wint Yee San Dissertation: A Legal Analysis Of The Civil Liability Regimes For Oil Pollution Damage With Particular Focus […]
WIN, Min Than
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2020), Administrative Officer, No. 363/421, Corner of Merchant and Theinbyu Road, Botataung Township, Yangon, Myanmar Mob: (95) 9450 0519 59; Fax: (95) 1901 0036 Email: Skype: Win Min Than Dissertation: A Critical Assessment Of The Casualty Investigation Code In Myanmar Drafting Project: Maritime Safety […]
KHIN, Nyein Sann
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2020), Legal Staff, Seafarers Recruitment Replacement Services Company, No. 363/421, Corner of Merchant and Theinbyu Road, Botahtaung Township, P.O Box 194, Yangon, Myanmar Mob: (95) 9430 9515 2; Fax: (95) 1901 0036 Email: Skype: Khin Nyein Sann Dissertation: A Legal Analysis Of The Regime […]
MASTER OF HUMANITIES (M.HUM) PROGRAMME. IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LEGISLATION (Class of 2018), Administrative Officer, Legal and Technical Standard Division, Department of Marine Administration, Ministry of Transport and Communication, No. 363/421, Corner of Merchant & Thein Phyu Road, Botataung Township, Yangon, Myanmar Tel: (95) 7965 3812 1; Mob: (95) 9402 5669 05 Email: or Research Project: […]
MAW, Mi Mi
DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2005), Research Officer, Legal and Research Division Department of Marine Administration, Ministry of Transport, Myanmar Tel: (95) 5560 38 or (95) 5560 37; Fax: (95) 1556 047 E-mail: Dissertation: A Study of Seaworthiness in Relation to the Carriage of Goods by Sea Drafting Project: Maritime Areas Act of Myanmar
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2008), Assistant Director, Department of Marine Administration, Ministry of Transport and Communications, No.363/421, Corner of Merchant & Thein Phyu Road, Botataung Township, Yangon, Myanmar Tel: (95) 9730 6719 3; Mob: (95) 9425 0198 90 or (95) 9507 4724 Email: or Dissertation: Registration of Ships […]
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2006), Deputy Director, Legal and Technical Standard Division, Department of Marine Administration, Ministry of Transport and Communications, No. 363/421, Corner of Merchant and Theinbyu Road, Botataung Township, Yangon, Myanmar Mob: (959) 6950 5884 3 or (959) 5058 843 Email: or Dissertation: Regulation of Towage […]
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2007), Director, Myanmar Biodiversity Fund (UNDP & Myanmar Forest Department), No.12 (B-21-22) Narnattaw Road, Kamaryut, Yangon, 11041, Myanmar Tel: (959) 2525 222 E-mail: or Skype: Dissertation: Oil Pollution and Solutions in the Bay of Bengal from a Myanmar Perspective Drafting Project: Territorial Sea and Maritime […]
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2011), Attorney at LS HORIZON (Myanmar) Ltd., 94, Union Business Centre (UBC), Suite No.-05-01, 5th Floor, Nat Mauk Road, Bo Cho Quarter, Bahan Township, Yangon 11201, Myanmar Tel/Fax: (95) 1860 3436; Mob: (95) 9260 1952 66 Email: or Dissertation: The Settlement of the Maritime Boundary Delimitation […]