OXASS-STRAUME, Jorunn Katinka
MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.SC.) IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW AND LOGISTICS (Class of 2018), Radiovegen 16, 4044 Hafrsfjord, Norway Mob: (47) 4150 9746 Email: katinkaoxaas@hotmail.no Thesis: Financial Incentives for Future Ship Recycling Dissertation: (Title not available)
ROYSET, Jon-Arve
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2002), Permanent Representative, Norwegian Coastal Administration in the Arctic Council, Porfyrveien 15, 4823 Nedenes, Norway Mob: (47) 9013 7505 Email: jon-arve@online.no Dissertation: Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Barents Sea Drafting Project: Act Relating to the Implementation of the International Convention on Liability and Compensation […]