DABUYA, Ngollo Yaya

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2024), the United Republic of Tanzania Dissertation: Delimitation of the Tanzanian Maritime Boundaries with Neighbouring States and the Management of Maritime Disputes Drafting Project: The Merchant Shipping (Ship Design and Construction) Regulations, 2024

OMAR, Juma Mussa

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2024), the United Republic of Tanzania Dissertation: Eradication of Fraudulent Registration of Vessels: A Tanzanian Perspective Drafting Project: Merchant Shipping Act (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships) Regulations, 2024

NGOGO, Ramadhan J.

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2024), the United Republic of Tanzania Dissertation: New Maritime Technologies: The Legal Challenges Imposed by Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship Drafting Project: Merchant Shipping (Port Waste Reception Facilities) Regulations, 2024

KITURETI, Vedastus

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2024), the United Republic of Tanzania Dissertation: Dual Maritime Administration in the United Republic of Tanzania: Navigating the Challenges in Implementing the STCW Convention of 1978 Drafting Project: Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships) Regulations, 2024


MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2023), State Attorney, National Prosecutions Services, 1st Floor, NSSF Building, Askari Road, P O Box 963 , Dodoma, Tanzania Tel: (255) 783 4044 44 Email: rachyle14@gmail.com Dissertation: Maritime Boundary Delimitation: Towards Achieving Equitable Results Drafting Project: An Act to Incorporate the International Convention for the […]

MPOCHI, Mohamed Selemani

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2023), State Attorney, Ministry of Works, and Transport (Transport Sector), Tanzania Mob: (255) 713 590 846 Email: mohamedmpochi15@gmail.com Dissertation: A Legal Analysis of the Port Congestion Challenges in Dar Es Salaam Port and the Need for the Effective Implementation of the Convention on Facilitation of International […]

MOHAMMED, Mohammed Sheha

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2023), Legal Officer, Zanzibar Maritime Authority, Zanzibar, Tanzania Mob: (255) 7775 6838 6 Email:  edzanzibar86@gmail.com Dissertation: A Legal Analysis of Zanzibar Maritime Legal Framework to Enhance Passenger Ship Safety in Promotion of Zanzibar Blue Economy Drafting Project: Merchant Shipping Act (Bunker) Regulations 2023

KHAMIS, Sharifa Abubakar

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2023), Legal Counsel, Zanzibar Seafarers Union, Zanzibar, Tanzania Tel: (255) 6224 0347 4 Email: sherryyfa21@gmail.com Dissertation: A Legal Analysis of Laws Relating to the Protection of Seafarers Rights in Zanzibar, Tanzania Drafting Project: Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Ship Recycling Regulations, 2023

JUMA, Nasra Ayoub

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2021), Judicial Assistant, House No. SH/K/C/225, Ksauni Street, District West B, West Urban, Zanzibar, The United Republic of Tanzania Tel: (255) 7738 7519 9; Mob: (255) 7125 4197 0 Email: jumanasreen4@gmail.com Dissertation: The Need for Unification and Harmonisation of the Ship Registration System in […]

MOHAMMED, Rashid Juma

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2020), Senior Legal Officer, Zanzibar Maritime Authority, P.O. Box 401, Zanzibar, Tanzania Mob: (255) 7771 888 1 Email: rashidj1981@yahoo.com Dissertation: A Critical Analysis Of The International Maritime Law Enforcement Mechanisms Drafting Project: An Act To Provide For The Effective Incorporation And Implementation Of The […]

SIMON, Wankyo

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2017), State Attorney, Attorney General’s Chambers in Dar-Es-Salaam, The United Republic of Tanzania Tel: (255) 7545 9182 2 Email: wankyosimon@gmail.com Dissertation: A Legal Analysis of the Laws Governing the Protection and Preservation of Marine Environment in Tanzania Drafting Project: An Act to Implement the International […]

SELEMANI, Asma Mohamed

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2011), Senior Legal Officer from the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Dar-Es-Salaam, The United Republic of Tanzania Mob: (225) 7136 2356 4 Email: asmaselemani@hotmail.com or asma.selemani@uchukuzi.go.tz Dissertation: Challenges Facing Tanzania on Protection and Preservation of Marine Environment: Dar-Es-Salaam Case Study Drafting Project: Search and […]