ALAWI, Galal Ali Mohammed

MASTER OF HUMANITIES (M.HUM) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LEGISLATION (Class of 2024), Yemen Research Project: An Appraisal of the Law of Yemen to combat IUU Fishing – The importance of Sound Legislation to Conserve the Living Marine Resources of Yemen Drafting Project: An Act to Incorporate the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks […]

AL-SUBHI, Ahmed Ali Mohammed

MASTER OF HUMANITIES (M.HUM) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LEGISLATION (Class of 2024), Yemen Research Project: The International Maritime Conventions Ratified by Yemen and their Impact on the Yemeni Maritime Industry and the Challenges of Enforcement in Yemen Drafting Project: An Act to Incorporate the International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from Ships, as Amended (MARPOL) […]

AL-MUHANDES, Mohammed Ali Abdullah

MASTER OF HUMANITIES (M.HUM) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LEGISLATION (Class of 2023), Head of Emergency and Marine Pollution Department, Maritime Affairs Authority, Yemen Mob: (967) 7334 4432 4 or (44) 7404 5804 53 Email: Research Project: The Implementation of Equitable Maritime Boundary Delimitation Principles under International Law: A Case Study of the Continental Shelf Delimitation between Yemen […]

MOHAMMED, Salwa Mohammed Abdulghagor

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2023), Lawyer, Department of Legal Affairs, Port Aden Corporation, Yemen Mob: (966) 0558 8312 42 or (356) 9998 1276 Dissertation: The Concept of Port State Control Regime and the Challenges of its Application in Yemen Drafting Project: An Act to Incorporate the International […]

SALEH, Shugaa Yahya Ahmed

MASTER OF HUMANITIES (M.HUM) PROGRAMME. IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LEGISLATION (Class of 2020), Maritime Legal Advisor, Yemen Coast Guard, Aden Almoala, Yemen Mob: (267) 7334 3587 4 Email: Research Project: Piracy And Its Impact On Yemen Economy Drafting Project: The Maritime Search And Rescue Law Of The Republic Of Yemen

MATAI, Tariq Abdulla Awadh

DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2008), Deputy General Director of the National Shipbuilding Basins and Director of the Department of Investigation and Maritime Legislation, Aden Sea Port, Aden, Yemen Tel: (96) 7770 4253 89 or (96) 7734 6160 19 or (96) 7712 7268 77 Email: Dissertation: Genuine Link Principle Revisited: A Legal Analysis […]

AL-HAKIMI, Raghda Abdulrazzak Hamood

MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2013), Alternate Representative to the UN and International Organizations, Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen in Vienna, Reisnerstraße 18-20, 1030 Vienna, Austria Dissertation: The Challenges of 21st Century Piracy: A Yemeni Perspective Drafting Project: A Presidential Decree to Approve the Accession of the […]