WOODLEY, Marver Bernadine Carthlyne
MASTER OF HUMANITIES (M.HUM) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LEGISLATION (Class of 2024), Antigua and Barbuda Research Project: The Socioeconomic Implications of the Blue Economy on the Marine Environment in Antigua and Barbuda: An Analysis’ Approach of the Normative and Regulatory Framework Drafting Project: An Act to Incorporate the International Convention for the Control and Management […]
JOSEPH, Darius Gustav
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2022), Legal Officer/Deputy Registrar, Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping, The John Henry Building, Popeshead & Dickenson Bay Streets, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda Email: darius.g.joseph@gmail.com or djoseph@abregistry.ag Tel: (1 268)462 1273; Mob: (1 268) 7288 095 Dissertation: A Legal Analysis of the Need for […]
SIMMONS, Kenroy Kamanie
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2011), Legal Adviser, Ocean Governance and Maritime Boundaries Trade, Oceans and natural Resources Directorate, The Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HX, United Kingdom Mob: (1 268) 725 0319 Email: kenksimmons@gmail.com or k.simmons@commonwealth.int Dissertation: An Archipelago in an Archipelago: A Legal Analysis of the Challenges of […]
MARZI, Consuelo
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2014), Antigua and Barbuda Mob: (356) 9938 2391 Email: consuelomarzi@gmail.com Dissertation: Safety Regulations for Non-Convention Vessels in the Caribbean Region: An Antiguan and Barbudan Perspective Drafting Project: The Antigua and Barbuda Salvage Act, 2014
MARTIN, Nicole Dannielle
MASTER OF LAWS (LL.M.) PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW (Class of 2018), Attorney, Land Developer, International Legal and Business Consultant, P.O. Box W1126, Paradise View, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda Tel: (26) 8764 1124 or (26) 8662 2299; Mob: (26) 8764 1126 Email: nicoledmartin@gmail.com or ndmimli@gmail.com Dissertation: Regulatory and Investor-State Dispute Settlement Considerations for the Blue […]